I still have the web/HTML FAQ for the newsgroup rec.antiques.radio+phono and although it is only my first revision of all the good contributors and editors in the past, I hope that it is at least helpful. The FAQ can be accessed under this link or by going to http://www.tgale.net/oradio/index.html with your browser.
Questions and
AnswersThis is a link to the odd facts & figures which I have dug up in
response to questions and answers provided by myself and others. My thanks to
those who have helped me by providing information for some of the answers.
Note: e-mail addresses of people concerned here have been clearly
modified by myself (remove "antibot" from the address concerned) due to the sad
fact of spammers' activities which have become commonplace in todays' internet
Safety information for
this hobby can be found under this link: this is the one section which I
feel it is my duty to present it here even though it is also covered in the FAQ
since there are some serious aspects which simply do not regularly arise when
persuing more modern aspects of an electronics hobby. Whilst I respect the
inputs from others on this issue, I hope they appreciate my including the
information on this site.
Buying and Selling
components, spares and assemblies. Since a considerable number of people
have mailed me with requests of how to purchase various valve/tube
components, and I have no commercial interest in dealing in such
material, I thought I would place some links to businesses which *do* supply
such stuff as and when I come across them. Please note that these links
augment the businesses in the FAQ section rather than duplicate them, so
do also look in the FAQ for more such folks.
Military and service
equivalents are tabled under this link; this new section should be of
assistance to those dealing with old wartime radios especially where a
commercial valve/tube could be the perfect replacement for an otherwise
hard-to-find military type. Hopefully our commercial replacement will not have
to endure any rugged action in the field of battle, either. Both U.S. and
European service types are included.
Valve/tube Substitution
Hints can be found under this link. I have included these few notes on
substituting different valve types when the exact original is not available and
you want to get a set working in the 'same way that a service engineer would
have done then'. Substitution was normal practice even when it meant changing
valve bases and/or changing out some components or re-wiring a base, so it's not
as 'unauthentic' a process as some purists would have you believe it to be... it
is a question of your own attitude to this aspect of restoration.
reference will lead you to the FAQ resources which are both on this site (in
its' own directory, the version which was on the older revision of this site)
and more recent versions held for the newsgroup rec.antiques.radio+phono.
to newsgroups and other sites are to be found under this link, the list is
by no means complete at this time (remember from the introduction that this is
the first part of the major update of this site). If you have your own relevant
site, or know of a useful one that should be included, please e-mail me with the
URL and I will take a look to see if I should include it in the next part of the
site update.
first list of valve pin connections and characteristics is available
under this link. Most of the information is derived from old manufacturers'
valve/tube listings catalogs and whereas major data such as anode voltage and
negative control grid voltage, heater/filament voltage and current, and explicit
function is included, secondary electrode ratings and mutual conductance values
are omitted since they are not specified in a lot of the catalogs that I used to
compile this listing. Judging by the number of visits to date however, it has
still been of use to quite a number of people. It is in pure text format so that
your browser 'find' button can be used to find a particular tube.
second list of valve pin connections and characteristics is new with
the update of this site and has many additional valves/tubes (I have tried not
to duplicate any of those in the first list). Information for this section has
been derived from more complete data books and valve tester book resources; in
contrast to the first listing more secondary electrode ratings are included
together with mutual conductance values where appropriate; however whilst
heater/filament voltages are quoted, the current is not, mainly since
many tester books only required the setting of the correct voltage to check the
valve/tube. Again it is in pure text format so as to be able to use the 'find'
browser button.
Here you will find a
few circuit diagrams, with some notations, and information, of typical old
receivers and amplifiers. I have included them to give an idea of 'where things
belong' and as a sort of prompt to assist those with limited experience of
valve/tube circuitry, including the younger ones amongst us (!). It's a
simplistic section but I do hope it helps some folks, including newcomers of all
You can E-mail the author of these pages
(Trevor Gale) by using this link. on the
Dutch Internet service provider XS4ALL.