Hello there, welcome to the radio shack as it were.
A more in-depth view of my own radio activities can
be found under this link.
Please Note:- More complete and relevant, up-to-date
information may be found here at www.pa2tg.net or pa2tg.org, pa2tg.info,
pa2tg.eu or pa2tg.com . This is where the latest "home" radio activities
will be described from now onwards, since otherwise the information tends to
over-run and generally dis-organise the 'engineering' information on the main
web site.
Now there are a variety of amateur radio resources around on the Web, and the number of them is expanding. As time goes by, more and more Web data is coming on-line, and this is also in line with the advancing, changing nature of Amateur Radio activities.
Below, you will find a number of links to various resources, but I know that I will not have added all of those that are around, so if YOU know of some that others may enjoy, email me at: tgale@tgale.net and I'll see about including them here.
Indeed, a fellow amateur has sent me a set of links which he maintains on a regular basis, faster than my commitments allow me to do, and I have promised to try to mirror this set of links and keep it as up-to-date as I can. Quite a few of the old ones that I used to have on the original radio page which were here seem to have disappeared, so naturally I have taken out their links.
Here is an image of the radio station PA2TG as it was configured (see
pa2tg.net etc. as mentioned above); the extra
3cm / 10GHz front-end is currently under construction in the workshop but will
of course also form part of the station in the near future:-
For those of you interested in repairing/restoring/just knowing about valve (tube) technology, I continue to provide the resource of old tube/valve data here which may be of help or interest to you.
The latest SOLAR / SUNSPOT information relating to the current cycle can be
of interest to radio amateurs and shortwave listeners alike. More detailed solar
radiation information can be found under this link.
You can E-mail the author of these pages
(Trevor Gale) by using this link. on the
Dutch Internet service provider XS4ALL.